When you are in the financial planning business you work with all kinds of people. Some are difficult. Some are fearful. Some are stuck. And, some move forward with ease and a sense of grace through the stages of life, and death. We love working with all kinds and the differences are like a puzzle we put together to help get clients to a better place over and over.
We recently held a review meeting with a couple who have been loyal clients since 1997. We helped them get ready for retirement originally. We helped them invest, evaluate proper insurance coverages, and most recently they decided to sell their home of over 40 years and move into a continuing care retirement community. As a result of this move, they have now “insured” themselves that they will be taken care of no matter what happens to them as they age and need advanced level of care. By doing so they have preserved their remaining assets for themselves, and, as a result, probably more for their family. They have made very careful, well thought-out decisions and they have been very proactive and realistic about what comes next in life.
Now, we are not saying that you should make the same decisions as they made, but, they made the right decisions for themselves. That is what good financial planning is all about. It’s a focused effort over time to move through the phases of life with forethought, grace and dignity. It’s so nice to see the fruits of our labor play out so nicely in real time. Stories like this is what puts gas in our tank everyday and why it’s hard to imagine ever stopping.