I have written about Jack Bogle in the past in this blog since he is an icon in the investment world and a personal hero. Last week the 12th Boglehead Reunion was held in the Philadelphia area. Even Bogleheads need a forum to help remind them of the most basic investment principals – low cost investing based on intellectual rigor and historical evidence according to David Marotta who attended.
Bogle’s principals shaped Vanguard, from his founding of his company in 1974, into what it is today and has had much influence on how Addis & Hill and other fee-only advisory firms operate today. In fact, more than 63% of our client’s assets are held in Vanguard funds today. Why? Because we trust the work that Jack Bogle did, on low cost indexing over traditional active management, over 60 years ago while attending Princeton. It’s amazing to me how old school principals work – not the nifty marketing gimmicks on products that have influenced so many investors negatively.
I encourage you to learn more about Jack Bogle – who knows, you might just turn into a Boglehead!
Who Are The Bogleheads? BY: Matthew Illian